The Walking Dead – Cast – AMC

The Walking Dead - Cast - AMC

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Lauren Cohan

Life is good for Maggie. Time has passed. She gave birth to a happy and healthy baby boy. She is a natural at being a mom, just as she is a natural at leading Hilltop. But even though her community is thriving, Read Full Bio

Danai Gurira

Michonne is leading Alexandria side-by-side with Rick, focusing on the philosophical ideals by which all the communities may govern and prosper independently and as a whole. Read Full Bio

Josh McDermitt

Eugene is determined to make up for his past selfish actions and is slowly gaining back his groups lost trust. In this time of relative peace, he is using his intelligence to bridge the communities together. Read Full Bio

Ross Marquand

Aaron had to learn how to renavigate the world following Erics death. After facing another sudden tragedy, he has to figure out how to renavigate it all over again all while raising his daughter, Gracie. Read Full Bio

Tom Payne

As Maggies right hand man at Hilltop, Jesus is her voice of reason and understanding, even if they dont always agree. Read Full Bio

Khary Payton

Ezekiel remains King of the Kingdom and a father to Henry. Following the events of the war, he is now revered just as much through his actions as a man as through his pomp and circumstance as a king. Read Full Bio

Pollyanna McIntosh

Despite her best efforts, Anne (formerly Jadis) finds that assimilating into her new life as an Alexandrian is more challenging than shed hoped. Read Full Bio

Avi Nash

Siddiq is acutely aware that Carl sacrificed his life to bring him in, so its important to him that he do his part in keeping Carls vision of the future alive. Read Full Bio

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

A pathological manipulator, Negan subtly needles his rare visitors towards a desired path in order to orchestrate his master plan, holding his endgame close to his chest. Read Full Bio

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The Walking Dead - Cast - AMC

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