15 Most Outrageous Horror Movie Sex Scene Deaths – WhatCulture

Since time immemorial sex and death have been irrevocably linked and for a genre as crammed with death as horror is, it makes sense that horror movies feature a whole lot of fornication too. But as anyone with a couple of horrors under their belt can tell you, sex in this genre can be a death sentence.

Cast your mind back to Wes Cravens satirical 1996 slasher Scream. Film geek Randy reminds us that there are a specific set of rules a character must obey in order to survive a horror movie, rule number one being do not have sex because sex equals death.

And Randy later died at the hands of Ghostface in Scream 2 having eventually lost his virginity, so you know he aint lying.

Its fair to say the old have sex and you die trope is one of the horror genres best known and most practiced, but some horror movies take the link one step further by offing their characters not just as post-coital punishment but actually during the act itself.

Mind, kicking the bucket while getting your rocks off isnt exactly the worse way to go (as long as its quick) but these sex death scenes are so gory they might just put you off sex for life.

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15 Most Outrageous Horror Movie Sex Scene Deaths - WhatCulture

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