8 Horror Movies Where The Villain Is Really The Hero – WhatCulture

By their very nature, so many horror movies carve up some variation of the classic tale of Good vs. Evil. The thing is, those movies are often not quite as black and white as we're initially led to believe.

Are there any redeeming features to infamous child killer Freddy Krueger? Absolutely not. Is Michael Myers a nice fella who's just a little misunderstood? Not a chance. Can you make any argument for Hostel's Elite Hunting Group having warm 'n' welcome intentions? That'd be quite a stretch of the imagination.

The point here, is that some of the horror genre's villains are unquestionably no-good sinister sorts. But on the other side of this coin, there are those characters who are positioned as the villain of the piece - yet who are ultimately actually the hero of the movie in question.

Sometimes it's clear as day to see how the supposed villain is really the hero, while other times it requires a little more digging to get to the crux of the matter, but here are eight film characters depicted as a villain despite the reality being that they're really the hero of their respective picture.

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8 Horror Movies Where The Villain Is Really The Hero - WhatCulture

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