One Of The Best Horrors Of The 21st Century Lands On Netflix Tomorrow –

You can't beat a good horror. While the genre may have peaked in the 70s and 80s, there have still been some excellent offerings over the last couple of decades.

The likes of Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring, and The Babadook have all been hugely successful. If you're a fan of those films then you definitely won't want to miss this one.

Hereditary will be added to Netflix tomorrow (June 15th) and is a must watch.

Released in 2018, the film follows the story of the Grahams, a family who's lives begin to go on a deep downward spiral after the death of their matriarchal grandmother. After further family tragedy strikes, they start to unravel some dark secrets about their grandmother's past.

You can watch the trailer in full below.

The star of the movie is certainly Toni Collette, who puts in an incredible performance in the role of Annie Graham.

With a score of 89% on Rotten Tomatoes, this has proven to be a hugely popular release over the last couple of years.

As a horror movie, this one has a bit of everything. There are disturbing scenes, some psychological horror, as well as a couple of moments that will have you hiding behind the couch. It's definitely worth a watch.

One Of The Best Horrors Of The 21st Century Lands On Netflix Tomorrow -

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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