Terrifying horror Hereditary is now available on Netflix UK – digitalspy.com

Hereditary, that nerve-destroying horror movie from 2018 that we really rather liked here at Digital Spy, has been added to Netflix in the UK as of today (June 15). You know, just in case you really wanted to scare yourself silly in the middle of summer.

It stars Toni Collette as a woman mourning the loss of her mother, only to discover a series of increasingly terrifying secrets about her family's ancestry. Trust us, if you haven't seen it yet, then you should go ahead and do that pronto.

Related: Don't worry, Hereditary won't get a three-hour director's cut

Once you've seen it, you might want to check out our explanation of the ending, seeing as it's quite the complicated movie and you may need a little while to work up the courage to watch it again.

And then, once you've done both of those things, you could go and check out Ari Aster's next horror film, 2019's Midsommar. It's not a follow-up, but it's got a lot in common in terms of making you want to sleep with the lights on forever more.

Entertainment Film/Gabor Kotschy/A24

Related: Midsommar director teases his next movie is a "nightmare comedy"

Midsommar isn't available on Netflix UK at the moment, but it is available on Amazon Prime Video.

If, on the other hand, you never want to watch another horror film again after Hereditary, then Netflix also has Schitt's Creek. That show is so lovely and warm, and would be the perfect tonic (and we just feel like more people need to watch it).

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Terrifying horror Hereditary is now available on Netflix UK - digitalspy.com

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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