The best horror movies of the last decade – Looper

After the death of her overbearing mother, Annie Graham's (Toni Collette) grief and anger begin to spiral out of control in Ari Aster's debut film,Hereditary. It doesn't help matters any that her relationship with her son, Peter (Alex Wolff), and her daughter, Charlie (Millie Shapiro), aren't exactly the best. And it's that rage and depression that prevents her from noticing that something is very, very wrong with her kids until it's far too late. And as the family dynamic begins to unravel, Annie begins to realize there might be supernatural forces at play. The result is a movie that's almost too disturbing to finish.

About this atmospheric film,Newsweek writes, "Hereditary feels like an endless drawing out of that queasy, shocking, falling dream sensation, as the ground beneath the Graham family, and the viewer, crumbles." TheLondon Evening Standard concurs, saying, "The results are horrific, emotionally and aesthetically, and launch a corkscrew spin towards hell." Toni Collette's nuanced and three-dimensional performance of a mother past the edge in particular received accolade upon accolade. Chicago Reader calls her "flawless," and Times UK writes, "It's an astonishing performance from Collette, a disorientating cocktail of humane, hurtful and hysterical."

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The best horror movies of the last decade - Looper

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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