Vivarium is a horror movie that features suburbia as the monster – Boing Boing

If you enjoy subtle sci-fi horror cloaked in a Twilight Zone veneer, sprinkled with shades of David Lynch, then Vivarium is a movie for you. Starring Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots, it starts off like a Rod Serling script: a young couple looks at a house in suburbia with a clean-cut yet off-putting real estate agent who gives them the creeps. When the showing is over and they try to drive out of the master-planned community, they get lost in a maze of cookie-cutter houses and keep ending up back at house #9.

And then Vivarium becomes something else, with unexpected moments of high-weirdness popping up throughout to keep the tension going. But I don't want to give anything else away the fun for me was watching this movie without knowing anything more than what the trailer revealed. In fact, not watching the trailer would have been even better. It was a perfect Friday movie night pick. (And yeah, it was released in the US last March, I know, but I just watched it, and it's worth the mention.)

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Vivarium is a horror movie that features suburbia as the monster - Boing Boing

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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