Movies from your childhood that you might want to present to your children – Newsdio – NewsDio

I was born in the '80s and grew up in the' 90s. These were good times for children's movies, and as I've always liked movies, and was raised by people who love movies, I have a list of movies that I grew up with from many different decades that I have been happy to pass on to my own children I have compiled a list of tried and true movies that my husband and I have shown our children on family movie nights, apart from the obvious as Star Wars, Home aloneand the Disney classics.

I have also made a short list of movies that I would like to show you, but I have not arrived or I think I should wait a little longer for various reasons.

Darling, I shrugged the kids A classic movie full of emotion, science and fun.

Harry and the Hendersons A heartfelt movie filled with Bigfoot hijinx.

Little shop of horrors My children love music (and we do too). It has some questionable words and themes, but they are mostly overlooked and they love it.

The Wizard of Oz A timeless classic that each of my children has loved all their lives. It holds!

Singing in the rain Another classic that is translated to the public all these years later. Kids love to sing and dance along with the stars, and it's so entertaining that they just want to see it over and over again.

E.T. I've watched this movie over and over again throughout my life, and still, if I sit and watch, the ending has me crying. This movie has a lot of heart and touches anyone who watches it.

Escape to the mountain of witches This is such a weird movie. But I was excited to see him again after all these years. The acting and special effects are not great, but it's fun for kids because the protagonists are kids who have special powers. My son was playing his harmonica for a week after seeing this, trying to make household objects move. I also did this after watching this movie as a child.

Gremlins It was fun showing them to the kids. They are always saying they want to see "scary" movies, and this was right in their alley. A little scary, but not too scary for them. And Gizmo is so cute!

Jurassic Park This is also a "horror" movie that my kids love! Jumping scares make their hearts beat and love dinosaurs. It is always fun to visit again.

The Sandlot A total classic. My parents like this movie because it happens when they grew up. I love it because it reminds me of being a child. And my kids love jokes and action. They just make you want to grab a glove and go play baseball.

Bill and Ted's excellent adventure This was one of my favorites for a long time when I was a kid. It came out in 1989, and I think somewhere in 1990 or 1991, every Friday, when my dad took me to the Super-Star Video in Chino, California, for a period of about six months, this was the movie I chose for myself. . Weekly. So I'm sorry if you tried to see it in that video store in that time period. It is a hilarious movie, and my whole family is now waiting for the third installment of the movie, Bill and Ted face the music, which will be released on August 21, 2020.

The princess Bride This movie has everything (in the voice of Stefon from SNL). Far away places, bold sword fights, a prince in disguise! I know, I'm just quoting Belle, talking about her favorite book. But maybe she was reading The princess Bride! Because that really describes this movie. Rob Reiner, who directed the film, said it was difficult for them to market the film because they did not know how to describe it. Comedy? Yes. Romance? Yes. Action movie? It is safe. And the people who watch it love it. Young and old, big and small. It sure will make you smile.

The Goonies The Goonies it's a great movie! A fun young cast that mostly did other great things. He has a lot of heart and a great song. Exciting and fun-filled for sure.

Flight of the navigator This is a great movie with a super original story. The whole family loves it, and has a young Sarah Jessica Parker and the voice of Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee Herman), so what more could she want?

Willow This is a fantastic movie! The performance of Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer is very good. It's a fun adventure, and after more than 30 years, we have a number of sequels!

Pee Wee's big adventure "I know you are, but what am I?", "I'm hearing reasons!", "Tell them that Large Marge sent you!", "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel", "There is no basement at the Alamo! "," Mr. Herman, Paging, Mr. Herman. I could go on, but you got the point. I love this movie.

The films that we have yet to show are:

Pippi Longstocking Y The squirrel adventure These were my favorites that are hard to find. They are never on streaming services and are really expensive on Amazon. I think we have The squirrel adventure on YouTube years ago, but deserves a new review.

Groundhog day Y How about Bob? It recently occurred to me that my older children would probably like these movies. They are fun and my children are already Bill Murray fans of GhostbustersSo we should probably organize a visit.

Babysitting adventures Y Big I still haven't done these due to adult themes. For the most part, both movies are fun and exciting and my kids would love it, but there are a couple of scenes that I want to skip. Maybe I just do that.

My girlfriend The same treatment, a kind of heavy movie for children. But I think my oldest son would really like this movie. I will have to fix it sometime. I loved this movie as a child, as well as its sequel, and we're a pretty open family when it comes to death, so I'll keep this one in mind.

So there you have it. Let me know if I mentioned any of your favorites and what you want to add to the list. There are many more fun!

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Movies from your childhood that you might want to present to your children - Newsdio - NewsDio

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