The Walking Dead World Beyond season 1 ending explained: What happened at the end? – Daily Express

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond arrived on Amazon Prime Video in October 2020 and the post-apocalyptic series is the third in The Walking Dead franchise. The series is set 10 years after the apocalypse and it follows four brave teenagers who explore the world outside the safety of their campus for the first time. has all you need to know about what happened in the season one finale as the show came to an exciting end.

WARNING: This story contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Season 1

One of the most mysterious characters from the start of the series was Huck (played by Annet Mahendru), as fans did not learn much about her right away.

She never revealed her real name and was only known as a friend of Felix's (Nico Tortorella), who had worked in security at the Campus Colony.

Huck had joined Felix on his mission to track down the teenagers after they left the campus, and she seemed to be one of the protagonists.

By the end of the episode titled In This Life, she was revealed to be a double agent for the Civic Republic Military.

She was the daughter of Elizabeth Kubleck (Julia Ormond) - the CRM's lieutenant colonel - and Elizabeth had mentioned her daughter at the start of the series.

Huck had sent Hope (Alexa Mansour) and Iris (Aliyah Royale) a message pretending to be their father, in a bid to lure them into the hands of the CRM.

READ MORE:The Walking Dead World Beyond: How did Hope and Elton actors prepare?

Huck's mission had been to lead Hope to the CRM, who were trying to create new life and an immunisation vaccine.

Hope was vital to their plan due to her intelligence, and even at a young age she proved herself to be very smart.

The CRM already has Hope and Iris' father on board, but Hope was even smarter than her father and the CRM did not want to lose her.

She ended up splitting up from the rest of the group so she could be reunited with her father in a bid to help save the world- or at least this is how she sees it.

Hope actress Mansour is on Instagram and she shared a photo of herself in character ahead of the season finale.

One fan said: "Definitely the one character that held my attention the whole episode, Hope rules."

At the start of the series, the CRM carried out a cull on the Campus Colony residents as soon as Hope and the gang had left.

Elizabeth had said she did not want anything to threaten or stand in the way of their ultimate plan, but it was still not made clear why she had the residents killed.

At the end of the series, a few empties were seen being shot down with CRM soldiers present, and it was evident the Campus Colony was destroyed.

Hopefully, season two will go into more detail about why Elizabeth targeted the community in the first place.

The series has already been given the green light for season two, which will hopefully air in 2021.

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Fans feared the worst when the group of four finally parted ways at the end of the series, with Hope being taken away by the CRM.

Iris and Felix were left on their own, with Hope having to say goodbye to her sister for the first time.

Silas (Hal Cumpston) also ended up with the CRM, as he had sacrificed himself in order to save Elton (Nicolas Cantu) and Percy (Ted Sutherland).

Hope and Silas will most likely be at the forefront of season two, which will explore in more depth the CRM's motives and their secret research facility.

Fans believe Silas's journey in season two will follow a "biblical theme", which will see him "escaping from the outside".

There were some shocking moments across the season finale, and actress Mahendru revealed even the cast did not know about her character twist.

Her betrayal had allegedly been kept a secret, with the actress telling CBR she "knew of Huck's arc in a nutshell".

She said one of the most difficult things to pull off had been trying to convince the audience she was not a suspicious character.

Thankfully viewers were kept off the scent until the last minute when it was revealed she had betrayed the group of teenagers.

With the series coming to an end after season two, the next season should tie up any loose ends surrounding Huck and the rest of the characters.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond airs on Prime Video

See the rest here:
The Walking Dead World Beyond season 1 ending explained: What happened at the end? - Daily Express

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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