Walking Dead: The Game 17+ – App Store

The story is good. There's no doubt in that. But the game was likely not made with the mobile platform in mind, resulting in confusing, clunky movement and camera controls. It's also a choice-heavy game with no option to save manually or skip cutscenes (many of which are unnecessary and lengthy). So it means if you were to alter the outcome of a choice, you often have to replay a good 10+ min of game, rewatching the characters engage in boring, mundane activities such as opening a door (every door-opening in this game has a long cutscene. For atmospheric reason I understand why, but they should only play once). Did I also say you are likely to get some dialogue options wrong? Not because you would regret your choice, but many dialogue choices do not reflect what your character would actually say. The choices are a short version of your character's often emotional, long response, and there were moments that I went "wait, I did not mean it that way! I did not know you'd say it like a jerk...guess I'll have to rewind again."The game would be much better if it were not so frustrating at times. I recommend buying the PC version, which at least has slightly better navigation.

Originally posted here:
Walking Dead: The Game 17+ - App Store

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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