That Time Morgan Freeman Played a Singing Vampire Obsessed With Vegetables – TVOvermind

That Time Morgan Freeman Played a Singing Vampire Obsessed With Vegetables

Every actor who has ever made it into the mainstream has moments in their career they look back upon in either regret, embarrassment, or flat out laughter. Morgan Freeman is one of these actors. While Freeman has played some incredible characters and received numerous awards for his acting, hes had his fair share of both duds and roles you knew he took for the money. Theres nothing wrong with that but its still funny regardless because today, over 30 years later you can make fun of such roles.

Many people know that one of his earliest roles was on The Electric Company. Of the many characters he played, I never knew about Vincent the Vegetable Vampire. While I wouldnt put this in the embarrassing bucket for Freeman since it was the start of his career, I would certainly place this role in the bucket of roles he must look back on and smile.

For no particular reason today I felt it was appropriate to share this video of Freeman as a vampire who is completely obsessed with vegetables.

Nat is the Co-Founder and Editor in Chief of BC Media Group and all its properties. He loves television, movies, fitness, playing piano, and writing great articles. Follow him on Twitter @nathanielberman

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That Time Morgan Freeman Played a Singing Vampire Obsessed With Vegetables - TVOvermind

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