How to Deal With an Energy Vampire at Work, According to Experts – Self

If youre someone who worries that youll be perceived as rude, it may be hard to hold the line. Dr. Samuels says that taking a beat and reminding yourself that boundaries arent unkind and that theyre meant to protect you (from feeling burned out and resentful, for example) can help you get more comfortable setting them.

If a coworker ambushes you first thing Monday morning, you can try saying something like, Im sorry, I just got here and need time to settle in. Relaxing this boundary and letting them over-vent on Tuesday, though, makes you an active participant in being drained, Dr. Appleton says. Whats not okay one day cant be okay the next because its confusing to that person, so theyll continue to push that line.

Another example of consistent boundaries is always letting your coworker know how much time (if any) you have to talk. If you see their number pop up on your call display, you can answer the call by saying, Im heading into a meeting, so I only have 10 minutes to chat, for example. If you dont feel comfortable saying that on the phone, you can let their call go to voicemail and send a Slack or email later instead. And, again, if youre worried youre being unkind by limiting your interactions, know that this is actually a way to build trust in a relationship because people feel safe when they know what to expect, Dr. Appleton says.

It bears repeating: The less available we allow ourselves to be, the less likely the energy vampire will see us as a source of energy, Dr. Samuels says. If you decide to pull back and know the coworker will notice, she suggests communicating your own struggles, so youre not putting the blame on them. For instance, you can try saying, Ive been feeling overwhelmed since we got back to the office. Its been great catching up with everyone, but right now I think I need to spend more time focusing on work so Im not falling behind.

And remember that anyone (yes, even you and me) can become an energy vampire, so self-care and self-awareness are critical. If youre struggling at work, it can be tempting to constantly gripe to your coworkers, but that ultimately doesnt help anyone, so youre better off finding support outside of the workplace. Talking to a therapist, maybe, or with friends or family members you trust can help you relieve stress and give you an outside perspective that might help you come to a solution.

And since employees of color often face the added burden of racial inequity in the workplace, it can be particularly important for them to find a supportive community of color within or outside of their organization, whether thats an advocacy group, an online community of people in the same profession, or even a group of friends.

Those supports are going to be really helpful, not just in advocating for you with respect to things like salary, promotion, and dealing with workplace discrimination, Dr. Samuels says, but also to practice having assertive conversations about your boundaries and what you expect from coworkers, so you can show up at work and be your best self.


How to Deal With an Energy Vampire at Work, According to Experts - Self

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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