The Vampire Diaries: 5 Reasons Why Sybil Was The Scariest Villain (& 5 Why Its Silas) – Screen Rant

Several scary villains in The Vampire Diariespresented an ominous danger to the Mystic Falls gang. Sybil, the cannibalistic Siren, was introduced in the Season 7 finale and terrorized the town throughout the show's final season. Silas, an immortal psychic, escaped from his tomb in Season 4 and targeted Elena and her friends before his death in Season 5.

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Sybil and Silas remain two of the show's scariest villains. The Siren and the psychic both had ominous introductions to the show's narrative, and both Big Bads could be consideredcontenders for the series'most terrifying antagonist.

Sybil has one of the creepiest and most foreboding introductions in The Vampire Diaries. The Siren is initially referred to as the Armory's Monster, and her true identity is a mystery to the residents of Mystic Falls. She appears in the Season 7 finale, wrapping her desiccated hands around Enzo in a chilling scene.

The suspense surrounding Sybil's first appearance in the narrative is an ominous introduction for one of the show's scariest villains. The Siren is seen only in her monstrous form before making her first appearance as a human in Season 8's "Hello, Brother."

The Mystic Fallscrew travels to Nova Scotia in Season 4 to seek out Silas and the cure for immortality. Katherine ambushes Jeremy and Bonnie after they discoverSilas' tomb. The evil vampire attacks Jeremy before feeding him to the petrified immortal, whodrinks from him before breaking his neck.

Bonnie and Jeremy attempt to take the cure from Silas but are unsuccessful due to the his calcified condition. Silas kills one of the Brotherhood of the Five when he murders Elena's younger brother,though Jeremy is later resurrected by Bonnie's magic.

Sybil breaks free from the Armory's Vault in the Season 7 finale, and ensnares Damon Salvatore and Enzo St. John. She forces the vampires to serve her using her powerful psychic abilities, forcing them to bring her the bodies of people to feast on.

The Sirencould be considered a stronger psychic than Silas as Damon falls completely under her control. Enzo resists, blocking the cannibal psychic from his thoughts to keep Bonnie safe, but he still struggles against Sybil's compulsion.

Silas keeps his true form a mystery initially after breaking free from his tomb. The immortal psychic assumes the appearances of several characters, including Caroline Forbes and Atticus Shane, as well as a creepy shadowy figure that lurks in the darkness like a true villain.

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Silas uses this mystery to target his enemies, and proves himself to be one of The Vampire Diaries' scariest and most dangerous antagonists. It is later revealed that Silas is one of the original doppelgangers, and the immortal shares a face with Stefan Salvatore.

Sybil wastes no time in cementing her villainous status by killing and eating hundreds of people. In "Today Will Be Different,"she uses her psionic powers to drown an innocent man in a swimming pool, expressing delight at his suffering.

She initially uses her Siren voice to keep the man calm before Damon informs her that she has been feasting on fearful flesh since her escape. The Siren shows no remorse for her actions, and gleefully removes the spell while her prey is underwater.

Silas uses his psychic powers to manipulate Professor Shane from within his tomb throughout Season 4. Shane, acting on the immortal's orders, orchestrates the deaths of twelve innocent people at Pastor Young's farm and twelve of Klaus' hybrids to form the first two points of the Expression Triangle.

Silas needs to complete the Triangle to destroy the Other Side so he can take the cure and be reunited with his true love Amara in the afterlife. The Expression Triangle is later completed when Caroline inadvertently kills twelve witches.

Sybil only features in the final season of The Vampire Diaries, but the Siren kills more people than arguably any other villain. She is first seen rising from a pool of blood after feasting on the flesh of humans in a series of sickening scenes.

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The Siren murdered countless people throughout her long, immortal life. Her sister Seline tricked her into eating the flesh of people thousands of years ago as a human, and Arcadius cursed both sisters to continue their cannibalistic ways throughout their never-ending lives.

Klaus Mikaelson is another well-known antagonist on The Vampire Diaries, who left Mystic Falls in the Season 4 finale forTVD spin-off show, The Originals. Klaus is a formidable enemy and a powerful foe. When Silas manages to manipulate the hybrid's mind, it highlights the exceptional power the immortal psychic possesses.

Silas demonstrates the near limitless nature of his powers by getting inside Klaus' head. The Original hybrid is plagued with hallucinations until he is distracted by Caroline.

Sybil senses that Elena is Damon's last connection to his humanity, and attempts to strip the vampire of his most important relationship, using her psychic powers to manipulate Damon. She invades his mind and replaces the images of Elena in his memories with herself, furthering seducing the vampire down a dark path to Hell.

The Siren recognizes that Elena represents the good in Damon, just as Bonnie symbolizes Enzo's desire to be a better person. She tries to strip Damon of the last link to his life, though luckily for Delena fans, his love for Elena prevails.

Silas spreads his villainy even while imprisoned in his tomb by Qetsiyah's curse. The powerful psychic calcifies as he refuses to take the cure and join Qestsiyah on the Other Side. He uses his abilities to manipulate people into doing his bidding, including a grieving Atticus Shane.

Shane stumbles across Silas' tomb, and the immortal creates a hallucination of Shane's dead wife, Caitlin. Silas uses the same trick with Bonnie, forcing her to see an image of Grams that implores her to do whathe wants. This demonstrates the sheer power of the immortal psychic, and makes him one of the show's scariest villains.

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Leah Flavell is a freelance writer currently living in Kettering, originally from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. She graduated from the University of Wolverhampton with a degree in Creative Writing and Film Studies and is currently completing an MA in Creative Writing at De Montfort University. She writes content for Screen Rant, The Sportster, CBR, TheTalko and Outfront Magazine and has also written articles for WhatCulture and YourDogAdvisor.

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The Vampire Diaries: 5 Reasons Why Sybil Was The Scariest Villain (& 5 Why Its Silas) - Screen Rant

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