Why Buffy and Sailor Moon are really the same show – Looper

Though they don't all line up perfectly, there are a surprising amount of similarities between Buffy's friend group the Scoobies and Sailor Moon's various teammates and classmates.

First up, we have the normal friend. In Buffy, this is Xander, a nerdy boy next door who does his best to help in the fight against evil ... with mixed results. In Sailor Moon, this is Naru, Usagi's cheerful best friend who has a habit of getting kidnapped by monsters. Also, though Xander and Naru aren't themselves supernatural, strangely enough, both characters eventually end up romantically entangled with someone who is, both former antagonists no less (Anya and Nephrite, respectively).

Next, we have the smart friend. Buffy has Willow, a shy nerd who eventually shifts her massive intellect away from studying computers and towards studying witchcraft. Usagi has Ami, a similarly introverted bookworm who also ends up with magical powers when she becomes Sailor Mercury. This is one of the cleanest matches of all. They're basically the same character.

And now we have the final friend, if you can even call her that the mean brunette. Though ostensibly our hero's ally, the mean brunette actually spends most of her time insulting our perky blonde protagonist. For Buffy, this is Cordelia, a vain cheerleader who dislikes Buffy and her various dorky friends. For Usagi, this is the fiery Rei Hino, aka Sailor Mars, who regularly critiques Usagi's laziness and ineptitude. But fear not, in both cases, our heroes and their dark-haired frenemies eventually bury the hatchet and become true allies, though it does take a couple seasons. Also, they both try to steal our heroes' boyfriends, and they're both psychics!

And Sailor Jupiter is ... uh, let's go with ...Oz?

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Why Buffy and Sailor Moon are really the same show - Looper

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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