8 Horror Movies Supposedly Based On "True" Events – WhatCulture

"Inspired by true events..."

How many times have we seen this line as we sit down to enjoy a scary movie? It is undeniable that upon reading them we do get the tiniest twinge of discomfort. Be it "inspired by true events" or "based on a true story," the phrase promises the same thing - that the narrative of the film you are about to watch REALLY happened.

Without a doubt, this all adds an extra layer of unease to a viewing experience; the very idea that something in a horror film could have possibly happened in the real world has caused countless sleepless nights the world over.

But just how true are the events touted to be based in reality? How much creative license does Hollywood take, and just how freely do they throw around the "true story" aspect? Are all films that carry this moniker a faithful retelling of their source material, or is it a complete lie that's designed to sell more tickets and make a movie stand out amongst the crowd?

Let's find out as we count down eight horror movies supposedly inspired by "true" events

The rest is here:
8 Horror Movies Supposedly Based On "True" Events - WhatCulture

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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