Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Most Hated Storylines | ScreenRant – Screen Rant

Buffy the Vampire Slayer started out as a comedy-horror movie starring Kristy Swanson in the titular role. Essentially, a Valley girl in California named Buffy finds out she is the next in a longline of young women who are destined to become vampire slayers.

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It did poorly at the box office and was panned by critics but the 1992 movie did maintain enough of a cult following to justify a seven-season TV series that started in 1997. But as much love as the series got from fans, there were still stories that didn't go over well, many of which came up in season 6.

A former vengeance demon, Anya goes through one of the biggest transformations in the series. After losing her powers and becoming mortal, she ends up dating and almost marrying Xander.

Unfortunately,Xander leaves her at the altar, which drives Anya briefly back to being a vengeance demon. Her story ends when she sacrifices herself to save Xander in the final battle. The end of their relationship was not something fans wanted to see happen, nor did they want Anya to die to end the series.

After season 3, Buffy's love interest, Angel, leftSunnydale behind. In the real world, this was because Angel was getting his own spin-off series that would also become a fan favorite.

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Naturally, this left an Angel shaped hole in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one the producers struggled to fill. None of the subsequent attempts to find a suitable love interest for Buffy fully panned out, especially in season 4, makingAngel's departure somewhat questionable.

Joyce was Buffy's mother, she was unaware of her daughter's vampire-slaying tendencies for much of the series but was still an important source of stability and support for the entire Scooby Gang.

Once she did find out the truth about her daughter, she learned to accept it and became even more supportive. Her death in season5 was unnecessary and happenedonly to push Buffy's character into adulthood.

Each season had a core villain with a plan in motion that Buffy and her friends had to stop. Usually, it was some kind of demon or vampire. In season 6, it was a trio of three mostly incompetent nerds the Scoobies had encountered in previous seasons.

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The Trio were terrible villains with a plan that made no sense and were a huge part of why season6 was overall so disappointing.

Anotherregrettable feature of season 6 was Buffy's abusive relationship with Spike, another vampire that hovered around town. Turned by Drusilla, he was a former running buddy of Angel when he was evil and known as Angelus.

Spike goes through somewhat of a redemption arc, which was turned on its head in season 6 when he and Buffy became lovers embroiled in a destructive relationship. Even in the context of the sixth season, it made little sense for either character.

Season 5's arc centered around the sudden appearance of Buffy's little sister, Dawn. "Sudden" is a keyword here as she had never been mentioned before. As it turned out, she did not exist prior to this season and was actually a key that was transformed into a young girl to be protected by the Slayer.

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The Scoobies all unknowingly had their memories altered to facilitate this plan. The character was grating, though Dawn did improve insubsequent seasons.

Willow was one of the best characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayerand was certainly popular with fans. She went through two important realizations, the first onewas her decision to become a witch and the second being that she was a lesbian.

Tara, another beloved character, was her partner in witchcraft and in love.Tara was unceremoniously killed in season6 as an inciting incident for Willow's dark turn, which was a poor choice for a such a great character.

In the aftermath of Tara's death, Willow gave into her dark mystical impulses and wenton a rampage. Somehow, Giles infusing her with light magic only made things worse. Willow finally came to her senses but not before causing a great deal of destruction and literally flaying the member of The Trio responsible for Tara's death.

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It was an unnecessarily darkmomentfor a person who was usually a shining light of hope in the series.

Keeping in mind that this wasn't the first time she died, the death of Buffy at the end of season 5 was a shock, to say the least. She gave her life to stop the evil plot of that season's villain, Glory.

It was reputedly supposed to be the end of the series but that changed, leaving the producers scrambling for a season 6. As an ending for the series, the death of Buffy Summers was not particularly good.

Many of the worst, or most divisive, stories in the seriesoccur in season 6, which was not even supposed to happen in the first place. Trying to re-envision the series afterseason 5 ended it on such a dower note was difficult and did not work well.

Season 7 was solid for the most part and recovered fromthe previous season, butnot many positives came out of season 6.

NEXT:Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Worst Things The Gang Did To Buffy

NextTwilight Saga: 10 Breaking Dawn Memes Fans Will Love

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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