Risk of a Vampire Apocalypse Can Now be Calculated with This Newly Created Calculator – News18

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Picture this, a post-apocalyptic 'Underworld'-ish world that is ruled by a cove of Vampires that have subjugated humanity to the worst possible way and turned them into blood-slaves. Does that sound interesting to you?

Do you belong to that group of fantasy seekers who have read and re-read Bram Stoker's Dracula, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, Stephen King's Salem's Lot and Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles? Do you secretly wonder how long would it take for a few blood suckers to transform the entire world into vampires? Well, then science may just have the answer for you.

Dominik Czernia, a physicist at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow, Poland, was inspired after seeing a paper by Wadim Strielkowski, Evgeny Lisin and Emily Welkins, that investigated mathematical models of vampires and humans in fiction, and decided to find out.

Czernia, went on to create the Vampire Apocalypse Calculator.

Speaking to ScienceAlert, Czernia said, "It was quite a time-consuming project. I started by finding an interesting paper regarding vampires, where the authors subtly suggested the existence of vampires based on real-life data," adding that it drew his attention and he decided to test it out in a scientific way, based on the predator-prey model.

The calculator, which took about month for Czernia to finish, sees people be able to select which type of vampire the person wants to start out with and then change parameteres, such as human population size, number of vampires, vampire slayers to find out how long it would take for a Vampire Apocalypse to actually materialise.

According to ScienceAlert, in most scenarios, humans hardly win, with vampires succeeding in taking over completely.

Czernia added that the model combines two things that interest him fiction and science. He further added that he loves it when he can apply mathematical models to even the most surprising things and "describing a vampire apocalypse using differential equations," tops his list, according to the report

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Risk of a Vampire Apocalypse Can Now be Calculated with This Newly Created Calculator - News18

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