Believe Covid-19 Could Start The Zombie Apocalypse? Zombie Insects Already Exist – WORLD OF BUZZ

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There have been speculation and theories going around about the Covid-19 virus, and its potential long term effect on living creatures.

One of these somewhat fictional theories is that the coronavirus (which has mutated since its debut and is transmitted easily) may give rise to the zombie apocalypse. So, how fictional is fictional here?

It turns out that we had already survived something of a zombie invasion back in 2017, though, at that time, instead of the culprit being a virus, it was a fungus that caused insects to go into a zombie-like mind-controlled state. The parasitic fungus, Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, invades the hosts brain and body, before the infected brain takes full control, using the insect as a puppet, as according to Elite Daily.

The fungus then eventually outgrows the insect and will break out of the hosts body, causing the insects death.

But the worst part is that, when the fungus breaks out of its victims body, it releases spores that can effect and cause infections in other close by insects.

Thankfully, this fungus only effects insects and has yet to invade humans.

Hence, the panic over Covid-19 being a zombie-apocalypse inducing virus can be put to rest, after all, those infected with the coronavirus have not displayed mind-controlled like symptoms nor have they attacked any medical professionals while muttering for human innards.

Hence, keep your hands clean and practice more cautious hygiene habits and you should be fine. And dont forget to quit panic buying because, in order to be safe from Covid-19, you need others to wash their hands and be clean as well and how can they do that if there are no soaps, sanitisers, and tissues for everyone, right?

Fun fact this fungus inspired the zombie plague in the blockbuster PS4 game, The Last of Us! What do you think of this? Let us know in the comment section.

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Believe Covid-19 Could Start The Zombie Apocalypse? Zombie Insects Already Exist - WORLD OF BUZZ

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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