The Last Kids On Earth And The Zombie Parade: Review – Pop Culture Times

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The Last Kids On Earth, a Netflix original animated show premiered in September 2019. It was an hour-long single episode about a bunch of kids fighting off monsters amid an apocalypse. The show is based on the popular comic book series of the same name written by Mark Brailler. The second season of the series, known as The Last Kids On Earth and The Zombie Parade, however, offered a new look towards the story of Jack and friends.

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In season one, we met a scrappy 13-year-old boy Jack Sullivan and his friends Dirk, Quint, and June. The group finds themselves in a situation where the world has been taken over by giant monsters, and now they have to defend themselves. These last kids on Earth fight off the monsters in style and begin living together in a big treehouse.

This season picks up the story from the first season, where the kids spend their time playing video games, raiding food courts in malls, and having fun. But the danger of the monsters still looms over. In addition to this, a bunch of zombies also enter the frame and pose a challenge for the gang. The kids team up with the right monsters for The Ultimate Quest to defeat the zombies, and chaos follows.

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Book Two beats the first season in terms of character depth and overall entertainment. We see the characters in a more detailed way with their complicated backstories. The animation is visually pleasing for which the developers Atomic Studios should be praised. The introduction of new characters also adds to the fun and adventure. The kids struggle to deal with life without their parents provides some funny moments. The season can be binged in one sitting as there are only ten episodes of about 25 minutes. Its a joyride for children as well as adults.

The fun doesnt end there, though! There will be a season 3 which will go deeper into the world of Jack and friends. In conclusion, it will definitely be a treat to the shows devoted fans!

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The Last Kids On Earth And The Zombie Parade: Review - Pop Culture Times

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