They find a ‘zombie frog’ that only comes to the surface when it rains CVBJ – Central Valley Business Journal

An international team of researchers has discovered in the Amazon uA species of zombie frog with mottled orange skin that lives underground and only comes to the surface when it rains.

The species, which has been identified as Synapturanus zombie sp, belongs to the genus Synapturanus and was discovered in French Guiana and northern Brazil. Regarding the designation of zombie frog, not that it is an undead amphibianInstead, we actually chose this name because researchers are the ones who look like zombies when they extract frogs from the ground, says Raffael Ernst, a German herpetologist who is an expert on amphibians and reptiles.

These animals are usually active at night and make species-specific sounds.

The sounds of male frogs can only be heard after or during heavy rains, explains Ernst, co-author of the study on the discovery that has been published in the journal Zoologischer Anzeiger.

Until now little scientific attention has been paid to this genre, among other things, because their habitats are difficult to access and its distribution areas are very limited. In addition, their sounds are quite difficult to differentiate , since the animals hide underground.

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They find a 'zombie frog' that only comes to the surface when it rains CVBJ - Central Valley Business Journal

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